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Mar 24 2015 11:28AM
Women drivers released in Saudi Arabia

Whilst we might like to think getting a driving license or commuting to work is hard, it could be much harder. Two people more acutely aware of this than most are Loujain al-Hathloul and Maysaa al-Amoudi. When trying to cross the...

Mar 24 2015 10:52AM
Pakistan - Federally Administered Tribal Areas.

I recently visited Pakistan to document the work of human rights activists who oppose the Taliban. In the city of Peshawar, I met with a journalist called Abdullah Malik who was threatened for highlighting issues such as the...

Mar 20 2015 5:12PM
Truth and justice ‘come dropping slow’ – in memory of Gerry McKerr

By Kartik Raj, EU Campaigner/Researcher at Amnesty International. Gerry McKerr, one of the “Hooded Men” – a name now used to describe the group of detainees subjected to the UK security forces’ infamous “Five Techniques” of...

Mar 20 2015 4:00PM
Azerbaijan, 'the Russian linesman' and other dodgy sporting decisions

Cast in bronze outside the national football stadium that bears his name in Baku, Tofiq Bahramov’s statue stands with one arm bent across his chest and the other outstretched to the side, forever signalling for a free kick. Better...

Mar 16 2015 4:54PM
A fifth anniversary of the Syria crisis is tragically looking all too likely

The fourth anniversary of the uprisings in Syria has passed. The reality for most Syrian civilians is as grim as it was on March 15 2015 as it is today. For Syrians hiding from barrel bombs and missiles, there is still no respite. For...