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Jun 6 2011 5:35PM
Return of the Toxic Avenger in India

Cast your mind back to last October, when a tide of toxic sludge leaked into rivers (including the Danube) in Hungary from an alumina refinery’s ‘red mud pool’, causing massive environmental damage, displacing villagers and causing the...

Jun 6 2011 7:30AM
Prisoner of conscience Mansour Osanloo freed in Iran

We were overjoyed to hear that Tehran bus workers’ leader Mansour Osanloo was finally freed on Thursday after nearly four years in the notorious Evin jail. Mansour has been the focus of continuous campaigning by unions in Britain and...

Jun 5 2011 11:19PM
Human rights activists remember Tiananmen in central London

On the 22nd anniversary of the Tiananmen Square Massacre the coalition group Chinese, Uighur & Tibetan Solidarity UK, of which Tibet Society is a founding member, organised a series of events in London to remember the victims and renew...

Jun 4 2011 7:08PM
Remembrance of 1989 Beijing Massacre  

Twenty-twoyears ago, the Chinese Communist Party cracked down the pro-democracy proteststhat began in April 1989 around the country. Over a thousand peacefulprotesters lost their lives and tens of thousand were put into jail. We...

Jun 4 2011 8:19AM
Saturday 4th June: 22nd anniversary of the Tiananmen Square Massacre

A day of action in London: flash mob in Trafalgar Square,Jeremy Corbyn MP to speak out on human rights in Chinatown, vigil at ChineseEmbassy Twenty-two years on from the Tiananmen Square massacre,human rights defenders in China are...