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May 26 2016 12:55PM
The Syrian Institute for Justice – Communicating Hope in Lawless Times

Kristyan Benedict - @KreaseChan It’s 9am, and in a small corner of a hotel in Gaziantep, southern Turkey, a group of Syrian activists are huddled together discussing their work in the war-torn city of Aleppo. This is not an uncommon...

May 26 2016 10:42AM
Protecting the human rights of sex workers

By Kerry Moscogiuri, Amnesty UK Director of Supporter Campaigning and Communications Sex workers are daughters, mothers, sisters and wives. They are husbands, fathers, sons and brothers. And every day they are at terrifying risk of a...

May 26 2016 12:00AM
Out of the shadows: fighting for the rights of sex workers

By Catherine Murphy, Amnesty Policy Advisor 'Six police officers did sex to me one by one. They were armed with guns so I had to do it,' Mona, a mother of two in her late thirties told us, tears streaming down her cheeks. The gang rape...

May 23 2016 1:58PM
Remembrance and Resistance – 27th Anniversary of Tiananmen

Saturday 4 June: Candlelit vigil A candlelit vigil to remember all those who died, were injured and imprisoned when Chinese armed forces stormed Tiananmen Square on 4 June 1989. 7.00pm – 9.30pm. All welcome. Outside the Chinese Embassy...

May 20 2016 2:36PM
“I will never stop” – a mother’s campaign to free her son in Iran

Iranian spiritual teacher and prisoner of conscience Mohammad Ali Taheri has been in pre-trial solitary confinement for five years, and has launched over a dozen hunger strikes in protest at his detention. His mother Ezat tells us of...