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May 29 2014 11:37PM
1989 Participant's Profile: Lin Renfu (林仁富)

Lin Renfu (林仁富), Doctoral candidate in the Materials Department of Beijing Science and Technology University, scheduled to graduate in 1989. In the early hours of June 4, 1989, Lin and his schoolmate Wang Kuanbao withdrew from...

May 29 2014 11:30PM
Today in 15 April 1989 : Big Character posters examines the CCP rule since 1949

#八九六四 #89june4 #89june425 #TAM25 25年前的今天(5月30日)北大三角地大字报:〈四十年了,究竟谁制造动乱?〉:反右运动,大跃进大饥荒,十年文革,八三年冤假错案,八七年反资产阶级自由化,八八年闯物价关,这些动乱不是学生或人民造成的,而是当权者造成的。 #89june4 #八九民主运动 #89june425 #TAM25 北大三角地大字报〈评“老人政治”与“极权主义”的政治双簧〉:在当代中国,老人政治和极权主义两具政治殭屍联袂而行...

May 29 2014 8:10AM
India: Teenage boy and others threatened after torture claims

Being a teenager can be a stressful time in life. What were you worrying about when you were 15? Were you worrying about exams? Friends? Your parents? The future? Whatever the concerns of your teenage years, you probably weren't...

May 28 2014 11:37PM
1989 Participant's Profile: Guo Anmin (虢安民)

Guo Anmin (虢安民), student in the Jet Propulsion Machinery Department of the Beijing Aviation and Aerospace University, scheduled to graduate in 1989. Guo was shot in the head in the early morning of June 4, 1989. He died instantly, with...

May 28 2014 11:25PM
Today in 1989: dozen of workers were arrested

#八九六四 #八九六四二五 #89june4 #八九民主运动 #89june425 #TAM25 25年前的今天(5月29日)法院原计划对已经被逮捕的汽车司机易京瑶开庭审理,当局指控他“煽动(首钢)工人罢工,乱喊口号,严重扰乱社会秩序。北京高校数百学生在法院外抗议当局对工人的迫害,法院改变开庭日期。#八九六四 #八九六四二五 #89june4 #八九民主运动 #89june425 #TAM25 25年前的今天(5月29日)首都工人自治联合会筹委会委员沈银汉、钱玉明...