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May 16 2014 11:01PM
1989 Participant's Profile: Wang Jianping (王建平)

Wang Jianping (王建平),27 Truck worker in the southern suburbs at Beijing City Gas Company On the night of June 3, 1989, Wang was shot in the left side of the chest at Xidan. His lung was badly damaged and he died in the Beijing Emergency...

May 16 2014 10:57PM
Today in 1989: over a million people marched into Tiananmen Square

The 1957 Pro-democracy activists, students and residents, co-organising more than a million people, converged on Tiananmen Square. The student hunger strikers who lay on hot sun, some of them refusing even water, quickly fell ill. #...

May 16 2014 3:22PM
Fleeing persecution and finding hope: LGBTI refugees in South Africa

‘We’re sending a message of hope’ Junior Mayema was explaining to me why he’d taken the bold step of appearing in From the Same Soil , a new film that beautifully documents the experiences of three refugees in Cape Town. All three fled...

May 15 2014 10:56PM
1989 Participant's Profile: Duan Changlong (段昌隆)

Duan Changlong (段昌隆),Graduate of Qinghua University (admitted in 1984) Chemical Engineering Department. On the night of June 3, 1989, Duan left home on his bicycle, and encountered the martial law troops involved in a confrontation...

May 15 2014 10:50PM
Today in 1989: up to 3000 students refusing food

# 八九六四 # 八九六四二五 # 89june4 # 八九民主运动 25年前的今天(5月16日)学生绝食请愿进入第四天,由开始的3百人增加到3千人。前往天安门广场声援的各阶层人士多达几十万人。