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Mar 29 2013 2:08PM
Arms Trade Treaty blocked - this isn't failure, this is 'success deferred'.

Yet again in the final hours, the Arms Trade Treaty was blocked. This time because of a cynical move by Iran, Syria and North Korea. In the Byzantine world of the UN, the exchange between the Chair and the three wreckers was so polite...

Mar 29 2013 11:47AM
We only want to be equal – Scottish Gypsy Travellers speak

Guest post by Amnesty Scotland campaigns volunteer Catriona Clunas, who has been heading up our Scottish Gypsy Traveller campaign this year. On the 26 March 2013, the Equal Opportunities Committee (EOC) of the Scottish Parliament...

Mar 28 2013 6:35PM
Albert's tomorrow - seeking justice after 41 years

Today will be much the same as yesterday for Albert Woodfox. And yesterday will have been much the same as thousands of days before that. At least 23 hours of Albert’s day will be spent alone, in a cell measuring 2 x 3 metres. For the...

Mar 28 2013 4:47PM
Travelling Tales- giving a voice to Scottish Traveller youth

Youth charity Article 12’s “What a Voice” exhibition, showcases 12 different aspects of Scottish Gypsy Traveller life including Nomadic existence, Heritage, Family, and Health in an effort to help us – the settled community –...

Mar 28 2013 1:42PM
Arms Trade Treaty history - twenty years in the making?

I'm in New York for final talks to agree the Arms Trade Treaty that I've been campaigning for for nearly twenty years. Two days ago things were looking as bleak as the weather here in NYC. The climate in the room for many of us was...