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Mar 16 2013 10:11AM
Zimbabwe's referendum: a dry-run for this year's elections?

Zimbabweans go to the polls today to vote on a new constitution. Today’s referendum is the culmination of nearly five years of political wrangling and many are seeing it as a litmus test for the presidential elections later in the year...

Mar 15 2013 7:15PM
Maryland votes to abolish the death penalty

Today the Maryland House of Delegates followed the lead of the state Senate and passed the death penalty repeal bill. The bill now goes to Governor Martin O’Malley who almost certainly will sign it, making Maryland the 18th state to...

Mar 15 2013 4:31PM
Two years of tragedy - help us build hope for Syria

‘I heard my daughter Amani call her little brother and then I don’t remember anything. I don’t know how long I lay under the rubble before I was pulled out….The bodies of my wife and my daughter Amani were not found until six days...

Mar 15 2013 11:26AM
David Grimason speaks out on the Arms Trade - Part two

In Part Two of our blog (see Part One ), campaigner David Grimason tells us about the very personal motivation that keeps him focused. Nearly a decade ago, on 7 July 2003, David’s life was torn apart when his two-year-old son was...

Mar 15 2013 8:42AM
In the Name of “Stability”: 2012 Annual Report on the Situation of Human Rights Defenders in China

on Mar 15, 2013 (Chinese Human Rights Defenders, March 15, 2013) – With a major change of the guard at the top echelon of China’s one-party power, 2012 was marked by authorities’ intensified attempts to thwart human rights activism but...