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Aug 22 2011 3:14PM
Libya’s momentous weekend

I was at a music event in east London on Saturday night (watching the rather manic band Atomic Suplex, if you’re interested …) when I starting seeing excited tweets on my phone about how Libyan rebels were closing in on Tripoli. After...

Aug 19 2011 7:32PM
A toxic tragedy

Today marks the fifth year since tragedy struck for thousands of men, women and children living in Ivory Coast. Five years ago, toxic waste was dumped in various locations across Abdijan – Ivory Coast’s commercial capital. One month...

Aug 18 2011 3:12PM
Taser death in the UK

The tragic death of Dale Burns is rightly being investigated by the Independent Police Complaints Commission. I hope – as I’m sure his family and friends also do – that this investigation is thorough and comprehensive and can provide...

Aug 18 2011 12:00PM
Stop RBS investing in slaughter – Updated

WEEK TWO UPDATE: Some of you may have received an email from RBS in response to our campaign to call on UK banks to cease all investment in any company involved in the production of cluster bombs. We are just checking the details and...

Aug 17 2011 5:54PM
Backstage boos from the Edinburgh fringe

I’m just back from Edinburgh’s Venue 150, which tonight will host Amnesty’s Stand Up For Freedom comedy show in front of a sell-out crowd of 1,200 comedy (and hopefully Amnesty) fans at the Edinburgh festival. It starts at 9.30 tonight...