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Oct 26 2010 3:59PM
Tasers under fire again - this time in Swansea

The Sun carries a story today about police in Swansea being caught on camera using a Taser electro-shock weapon on a man who appears to already be on the ground. Another officer who’s restraining him then appears to punch the man...

Oct 25 2010 2:38PM

Thorbjorn Jagland, the chairman of the Norwegian Nobel Committee wrote "The authorities assert that no one has the right to interfere in China’sinternal affairs. But they are wrong: international human rights law and standards are...

Oct 25 2010 2:05PM
No investigation required: an investigation <em>is</em> required after WikiLeaks revelations

Looks to me as if the devastating account in the WikiLeaks “Iraq War Logs” of how the abuse of detainees in Iraq occurred on a vast scale during 2004-9 has thrown a whole new light on this tragic, blood-soaked period in Iraq’s history...

Oct 22 2010 3:07PM
It gets LGBT er

It’s been a mixed bag in terms of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) news this week, to say the least. Which do you want first, the good news or the bad? Russia was told by the European Court of Human Rights yesterday that...

Oct 22 2010 1:58PM
Mexico's Indian Rebellion on Unreported World, Channel 4

Unreported World on Channel 4 on Friday showed us Mexico's Indian Rebellion .