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Apr 21 2016 6:41PM
Here’s how Europe welcomed a young Afghan man who fled the Taliban

Written by Conor Fortune, News Writer at Amnesty International You can’t stop a ship dead in its tracks, but sometimes you can change its course. And that’s what happened recently in the Aegean Sea in a new twist in the evolving...

Apr 9 2016 8:44AM
Demand the release of youth activists in DRC

By Rebecca Carr, committee member of the Children's Human Rights Network Three young activists are being held in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) for their suspected support of a general strike. The strike was called to protest...

Apr 9 2016 8:35AM
Stop the execution of Amanj Veisee - a juvenile offender in Iran

By Rebecca Carr, a committee member of the Children's Human Rights Network At his retrial in December Juvenile offender Amanj Veisee was resentenced to death for the murder of his cousin – despite an official forensic report concluding...

Apr 1 2016 4:00PM
Tweet to secure Bahraini teacher's freedom

Update 4 April 2016: Good news! Today, Mahdi Abu Deeb finally walked free after five unjust years in a Bahraini prison. Thank you so much to everyone who campaigned for his release – your actions, tweets and letters have played a vital...

Apr 1 2016 3:52PM
New president of Burma brings hope of genuine human rights change

This is no April Fools, we promise. Today, Htin Kyaw takes his seat as the first democratically elected president of Burma for over 50 years. His party, the National League for Democracy (NLD), won a majority of seats in free elections...