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Feb 6 2015 3:05PM
A union of Pride in the face of oppression

For the UK’s LGBTI community, last year marked a monumental step forward in the fight for equality – the legalisation of same-sex marriage. David Cameron cited its introduction as one of his proudest achievements of 2014. For once, I’m...

Feb 6 2015 1:08PM
Books for children in dark times

As the world’s largest human rights organisation, Amnesty deals with issues of epic proportions as well as individual cases. We also set great store by the power of children’s fiction. This sometimes surprises people. But children have...

Feb 6 2015 9:33AM
"Your moral compass is broken." Opposing Northern Ireland's anti-gay 'conscience clause'

Excerpt of speech given by Amnesty International's Patrick Corrigan at a rally at Belfast City Hall on Saturday 31 January, against a "conscience clause" Bill proposed in the Northern Ireland Assembly: “What is proposed is not a...

Feb 1 2015 4:32PM
Chelsea Manning: 'I'm so thankful for all of your support'

I wanted to thank all of you so very much for your actions of support and solidarity. I understand that over 200,000 actions were taken [for me] - that’s absolutely incredible! I am also so grateful for all the heartfelt support from...

Jan 30 2015 12:54PM
Why I'm running the London Marathon for Amnesty and Shaker Aamer

For human rights campaigners anniversaries are crucial in any campaign – they’re a key moment to highlight the suffering of an individual held in often the most grotesque circumstances. Today is no different. It is my 50th birthday...