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Jan 13 2020 10:26AM
Book review: Internment by Samira Ahmed

Madeleine Ross reviews Internment by Samira Hamed. The novel explores the possibility of American hard right policies coming to fruition. Hamed delivers a compelling and timely book.

Dec 11 2019 8:45AM
Struggle for self-determination, equality and human rights for all

Today we are here to mark the seventy-first anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. We are here to oppose the barbaric rule of the Chinese regime and to stand in solidarity with peoples of East Turkestan, Tibet, Hong...

Dec 11 2019 8:44AM
London stands with Hongkongers, Uyghurs, Tibetans and HRDs in mainland China at UDHR71

London stands with Hongkongers, Uyghurs, Tibetans and HRDs in mainland China. #UDHR71 #StandUp4HumanRights 倫敦聲援香港人、維吾爾人、藏人和中國大陸的人權捍衛者。 # 世界人權宣言 71 週年 # 捍衛人權 Onsite language...

Dec 8 2019 9:00AM
Universal Declaration of Human Rights at 71

London activists will gather at Chinese Embassy to mark Universal Declaration of Human Rights at 71 , in solidarity with Hong Kongers, Uyghurs Tibetans and all the oppressed under the CCP rule . 倫敦活動人士將在中國大使館外紀念《世界人權宣言》 71 週 年 , 聲援香港人...

Dec 6 2019 1:41PM
The Time is Now

This is a guest blog by our Scotland Speaker Coordinator, Alex Mackenzie Recently, more than any other time, I have felt deflated by the reporting on the climate crisis. The UN warned of a “ bleak ” future as the carbon emissions gap...