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May 13 2011 10:21AM
The state of the world's human rights - revealed today

Today Amnesty International launches its annual report on “The state of the world’s human rights” , a global overview that exposes abuses in 157 countries. Needless to say, much of the focus has been on recent events in the Middle East...

May 12 2011 5:45PM
Has Holder got a grip on Guantánamo?

Interestingly the Today programme’s big 8.10 interview this morning with US Attorney General Eric Holder went from the killing of Osama Bin Laden onto the issue of Guantánamo and also the fate of former UK resident Shaker Aamer...

May 11 2011 5:49PM
China  Human Rights Briefing Weekly  May 4-9, 2011

Highlights Arrest of Xue Mingkai Brings Total during Current Crackdown to Seven: CHRD learned this week that young Shandong Province activist Xue Mingkai (薛明凯) has been formally arrested for "inciting subversion of state power." His...

May 11 2011 3:56PM
Best not: Uganda contemplates death penalty for gay people

Good, better, best never let them rest, until the good is better, and the better is best.This chant was always a favourite for me and my sisters when we were little- not just because it is delightfully, if simplistically, phonetically...

May 11 2011 11:08AM
Stop the death penalty of homosexuality in Uganda

Wow! 700,000 have signed already. We have just 12 hours before the bill is brought to the floor – let's get to 1 million. Sign now and forward the email below! Dear friends, In 12 hours, Uganda could pass a law that imposes the death...