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Jun 24 2019 1:57PM
10 things you didn’t know about Amnesty International’s Global Youth Collective

Our Global Youth Collective comprises of 15 innovative youth leaders and staff members from across Amnesty International’s movement. They work across five continents to bring thought leadership and youth perspectives to all aspects of...

Jun 17 2019 11:45AM
Children should be empowered and protected, not silenced and side lined

Holly Shorey, 20, is Vice Chair of Amnesty International UK’s Children’s Human Rights Network (CHRN) Committee. Holly is determined to make children’s rights a reality, and to prove that young people really are the leaders of today...

Jun 17 2019 8:33AM
More actions in solidarity with Hong Kong, fighting for HK’s autonomy and self-determination

On 16 June, London in solidarity with #HongKong 倫敦撐香港 “Release the students! Carrie Lam resign! Withdraw! No withdrawal no settlement!釋放學生!林鄭下台!撤回惡法!不撤不散!” #NoChinaExtradition #反送中

Jun 12 2019 1:07PM
The MPs in the UK Should Take action against Extradition Law in Hong Kong

Dear MP, I am writing to bring your attention about both the content and the short consultation period allowed for the proposed changes to the Fugitive Offenders Ordinance (often referred to as Extradition Law) and the Mutual Legal...

Jun 5 2019 5:37PM
London Remembers the 30th Anniversary of the 1989 Beijing June 4 Massacre

On Tuesday the 4rd of June, 8pm-10pm, aorund 250 people including many young people gathered in front of the Chinese Embassy in London to commemorate the 30th anniversary of the 1989 Beijing June 4 Massacre, showing solidarity with...