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Dec 3 2009 8:55AM
North Korea: defectors want the International Criminal Court to act

Defectors from North Korea have signed a petition to the International Criminal Court. They allege crimes against humanity and demand that the North Korean government is prosecuted . North Korea is thought to have at least five...

Dec 2 2009 1:30PM
Policing rape

Given the prevalence of the crime of rape and the disastrously low conviction rape (only about 6.5% of reported rapes currently lead to a rapist getting jailed), the creation of a special unit within the Metropolitan Police to...

Dec 2 2009 11:00AM
Is your bank funding cluster bombs?

One third of all recorded cluster bomb casualties are children. Yet despite efforts to ban these indiscriminate weapons, 138 banks and other financial institutions continue to invest over US$20 billion in companies that produce them...

Dec 1 2009 10:21AM
A pre-planned coup and wave after wave of arrests

We know now that the election-coup was pre-planned and Ahamdinejad and his band planned everything to the last detail. This is not the subject of this article though. What is the subject is the manifestations of this coup which is...

Nov 30 2009 12:58PM
Minarets at the sharp end of Swiss attack

The shocking outcome of Switzerland’s referendum to ban the building of minarets has dominated much of UK media today. As the Guardian points out, this result makes Switzerland the first country in Europe to attempt to curb the...