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Apr 3 2009 4:55PM
Through a camera phone darkly: Swat valley sadists and the attack on womens rights

It’s an echo of that (even grimmer, horribly grotesque in fact) mobile phone footage of another teenage girl being punished, filmed and then broadcast around the world as a “warning” and an “example”. A couple of years ago a teenager...

Apr 3 2009 1:11PM
Tibetans, Burmese and Chinese protest Hu Jintao in London

London, April 3 – Tibetans, Chinese Human Rights Activists, Burmese Human Rights Activis and supporters here carried out a series of protest against Chinese Dictator President Hu Jintao for the G20 Summit in London. 6Tibetans and 4...

Apr 2 2009 8:05PM
The Right to Peaceful Protest?and the Credit Crunch.

Article 10, the right to peaceful protest, do we still have it in this country? Watching videos of the demonstration against the G20 yesterday, and the way it was handled by the police would make you doubt this. I know that there were...

Apr 2 2009 2:29PM
Hell Holes

Who are the most difficult group of people to campaign onbehalf of? Who do people care least about? Prisoners. Why? The argument goes something like: Otherpeople who suffer injustice, poverty or disease have done nothing to deserveit...

Apr 1 2009 10:24PM
Trouble in Belinga, Gabon

The Rainforest Foundation UK tells us of Trouble in Belinga , in Gabon in west-central Africa. Gabon has huge reserves of minerals and there is a project to mine iron ore of which there could be about one billion tonnes. The CMEC...