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Feb 22 2009 9:28PM
UK exports £20m arms to Israel?  Legal challenge.

I wouldn't normally copy-and-paste a press release without commentary as it's a rather lazy form of blogging, but in this case, it's an urgent press release: all in London should turn up at the court to show support. Good on veteran...

Feb 22 2009 11:21AM
Strasbourg must correct this aberrant decision

Jacqui Smith, the Home Secretary was jumping for joy this week with the decision of the Law Lords to permit her to press ahead with the deportation of terrorism suspect Abu Qatada to Jordan and two (unnamed) others to Algeria. I think...

Feb 22 2009 8:04AM

This is the latest on the murder of the Russian journalist Anna Politkovskaya (SEE SUNDAY HERALD LINK BELOW) who was shot dead in Moscow in October, 2006. More than 100 journalists have been murdered in Russia since the early 1990s. In...

Feb 21 2009 12:07PM

Photographer Angela Catlin and I spent some time recently in Irsael and the West Bank documenting peace projects for an international festival in Edinburgh. The region often makes headlines for the wrong reasons but despite the...

Feb 20 2009 6:30PM
The Politkovskaya case: not Russian to conclusions

I was going to post earlier … but got waylaid doing media work responding to news that Binyam Mohamed is finally getting out of Guantánamo. Good news though. Meanwhile, what to make of the acquittals in Anna Politkovskaya case? It’s...