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Feb 17 2009 9:40PM
More civilians killed in Afghanistan

Afghan civilian casualty rate at highest since Taliban rule, the Guardian headline reads today. A UN report says that more civilians were killed in Afghanistan in 2008 that in 2007. The number of civilians killed by US, NATO and Afghan...

Feb 17 2009 1:04PM
The times they arent a changin

Dame Stella Rimington, former head of MI5, has spoken out in a Spanish newspaper ( syndicated to the Telegraph ) about her worries that the government is exploiting fears of terrorism to expand its powers and undermine civil liberties...

Feb 17 2009 9:14AM
Dame Stella, take a bow!

I don't know If Dame Stella Rimington is an Amnesty member or not. But she should be. The former spy-boss has become one of the UK's most eloquent defenders of rights and liberties since she left the government's payroll and started...

Feb 16 2009 6:03PM
Lets dispense justice like its 1999

News that the Pakistani government is likely to allow the authorities in the Swat valley area of Pakistan to set up shari’a courts ought to give us pause. It’s not that the imposition of shari’a law will automatically mean that human...

Feb 15 2009 6:33PM
Guatemala: where trade unionists are murdered so that workers' rights can be abused

The International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) has condemned the Government of Guatemala for not investigating the murders of trade unionists, or punishing those responsible. In a report drawn up to highlight Guatemala's appalling...