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Apr 19 2011 3:25PM
Fifty Fatullayevs Fighting For Freedom (shame its not on a Friday!)

Azerbaijan’s London ambassador will get quite a shock when he looks out his window tomorrow lunchtime. Instead of a quiet Kensington backstreet, he’ll come face-to-face with fifty clones of Eynulla Fatullayev, the journalist that his...

Apr 18 2011 6:08PM
Libya: how bad is it?

I’ve been viewing a lot of entries in Amnesty's media awards recently and I was reminded of the way that sometimes it takes months or even years before the truth about human rights abuses finally emerges. It's feeling a little like...

Apr 16 2011 11:31AM
A virtual international protest in Azadi Square for Majid Tavakoli

Dear Friends: Amnesty International is partnering with United4Iran to do a virtual Azadi Square protest this spring to show solidarity for imprisoned Iranian student activist Majid Tavakkoli. Mr. Tavakkoli, who will be 25 years old...

Apr 15 2011 10:10PM
China Human Rights Briefing Weekly  April 6-12, 2011

Highlights “Jasmine” Crackdown Continues as Veteran Activist Zhu Yufu is Arrested: Pro-democracy activist Zhu Yufu (朱虞夫) was formally arrested this week for “inciting subversion of state power” by officials in Hangzhou City, Zhejiang...

Apr 15 2011 4:54PM
UN-der wraps: secret report on last days of Sri Lanka civil war

I saw a film this week. It was a tragedy (you’re not the only one who can spoil the endings Niluccio ) and has haunted me since. It was a film about a father. A father who used to play his son at tennis. A father who has got a mantle...