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13 September 2010 Amnesty International has urged the Chinese authorities to end the continued surveillance and harassment of a blind human rights activist, who has been kept under unofficial house arrest since he was released from...
A Briton going on a “mission” to get a relative “out of a foreign jail” is one of those media staples that you see every now and again. These stories can be a little queasy – there’s often a whiff of chauvinism in the standard...
Thehotly anticipated release of Tony Blair’s memoirs last week created a mediastorm and brought the subject of the Iraq war back into the news. Much lessreported is the plight of the refugees who have fled the conflict. Today’s...
Robert Fisk investigates honour killings around the world and part one of the series was on Monday 7 September in the Independent. He says that at least 20 000 women are killed in a year to protect so-called "honour".
The release from prison of prominent Chinese human rights lawyer Chen Guangcheng is a tiny drop in an ocean of repression in China. But a drop is better than nothing at all. Chen is relatively well-known as the blind, self-taught...