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… Or so they say. I’m not too sure that Naomi Campbell – this morning at least – was thinking that as she stood to testify at Charles Taylor’s trial at The Hague about rough diamonds which the former Liberian President was alleged to...
One thing David Cameron and me have in common - probably the only thing - is that this week we’ve both been in Italy. OK, he’s been there to discuss the global economy, trade, and Afghanistan with Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi...
Highlights Authorities Move Forward with “Inciting Subversion” Case against Democracy Activist Liu Xianbin: In the past week, CHRD learned that the case against Sichuan democracy activist Liu Xianbin (刘贤斌) had been transferred to the...
Third world countries are often blames for their abuse of human rights which is true by itself. What happens when in France, a socalled "civilised" country people are treated in such a shamful way? I was applauled and disgusted to see...