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Mar 16 2017 4:34PM
Last night we won against the Muslim ban  - here’s why we have to keep fighting

Written by Naureen Shah, Amnesty International USA’s Director of National Security and Human Rights Overnight, two courts intervened to temporarily block Trump’s new Muslim ban, which was set to go into effect at midnight. This is a...

Mar 15 2017 10:17AM
Syria: Miraculous journeys, stranded hopes

Written by Monica Costa Riba, Regional Campaigner at Amnesty International. First published on CNN. Strapped onto either side of a horse, 30-year-old Alan Mohammad and his 28-year-old sister Gyan crossed craggy mountains from Iraq and...

Mar 7 2017 4:27PM
Inspirational Women's Day

Amnesty International’s theme for International Women’s Day this year is Human Rights Defenders. We are focussing on those women who often put themselves in great danger in order to further the rights of women and their communities...

Mar 2 2017 7:22PM
Good news: Sara Beltran Hernandez has been released!

UPDATE: 2 March 2017 Sara Beltran Hernandez, a 26-year-old mother who fled violence in El Salvador and has been detained by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) in Texas for 15 months, has been released from detention to be with...

Mar 2 2017 10:15AM
Northern Ireland election 2017: implications for human rights

Northern Ireland goes to the polls today (Thursday) to elect new members of the Assembly at Stormont. If this feels like déjà vu to you, you’d be right. Voters elected a new Assembly less than ten months ago. But it collapsed in...