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Oct 10 2017 1:30PM
Freeing Nazanin - an activist's journey

Written by Daren Nair, Amnesty International activist and member of the Amnesty International Tower Hamlets group. On 4 October 2017, I met my Member of Parliament, Stephen Timms. Stephen is also an officer of the All-Party...

Oct 4 2017 5:07PM
Home and Away: recommended refugee and migrant stories from around the world

By Mairi Kidd, consultant for education and arts projects. Have you ever read a novel set in a place you know, by an author who knows it less well, and thought, ‘no, that’s not quite right’? It happens to me with books set in...

Oct 4 2017 4:01PM
Human rights in the DNA

British-Iranian actress, Homeland star and human rights campaigner Nazanin Boniadi talks about her bicultural upbringing, the links between acting and activism, and her Amnesty podcast . What was your childhood like? My parents were...

Oct 4 2017 3:07PM
Hate crime hurts

Every year thousands of people in the UK are attacked and harassed – physically or verbally. It isn’t only members of black and minority ethnic communities, immigrants and refugees who suffer. Muslims, Jews, gay, transgender and...

Oct 4 2017 2:30PM
Key human rights issues in the UK

The UK's human rights come under review The human rights record of every country in the world comes up for scrutiny at the UN Human Rights Council every five years, in a process known as the Universal Periodic Review (UPR). The process...