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Amnesty International UK
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Sep 14 2017 2:48PM
3 powerful human rights films to look out for this Autumn

Our top picks of the human rights-related films to look out for this autumn, featuring the story of an undocumented immigrant family in Mexico, a look at the life of Winnie Mandela, and fresh perspectives on Canada's Charter of Rights.

Sep 6 2017 10:19AM
Campaigning to free Kamal Foroughi, the longest imprisoned EU citizen in Iran

Written by Daren Nair, Amnesty International UK activist. On 3 September 2017, British grandfather Kamal Foroughi turned 78 years old. This was his 2,315th day behind bars in Iran’s Evin Prison. My local Amnesty group and I have spent...

Sep 2 2017 12:55PM
The cost of courting Libya

It's been two years since little Alan Kurdi's tiny body was found washed up on a beach in Turkey. Did his death prove to be the wake-up call for world leaders to take action that we had hoped?

Aug 23 2017 5:41PM
Liu Xia is missing since Liu Xiaobo's funeral

London week 6 memorial for # LiuXiaobo # FreeLiuXia 伦敦六七悼念 # 刘晓波 # 自由刘霞

Aug 20 2017 10:22PM
London in solidarity with prisoners of conscience in Hong Kong

London in solidarity with prisoners of conscience in Hong Kong 倫敦聲援香港良心犯