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Apr 30 2015 1:08PM
Looking for a place to call home: forced evictions in Colombia

María is tired of being forced to move from place to place. The 54-year-old adjusts her colourful headscarf and sighs heavily. She is one of Colombia’s six million forcibly displaced people. For years María called El Tamarindo home...

Apr 29 2015 5:06PM
Mediterranean crisis: ‘We don’t let people drown’

I’ve just returned from meeting with shipwreck survivors, the coastguard and officials in Lampedusa – the Italian island on the frontline of the crisis in the Mediterranean Sea. It was incredibly harrowing but, as always, I was truly...

Apr 28 2015 3:42PM
People can change – if you let them live

Update: Indonesia executed eight of the nine prisoners . Mary Jane Veloso was given a last-minute stay of execution. We will continue to work on her case. On the back of Myuran Sukumaran’s portrait of Indonesian President Widodo the...

Apr 27 2015 5:52PM
Surviving a shipwreck in the Mediterranean: Ali’s journey

More than a thousand people drowned trying to reach Europe by boat last week. The survivors of the tragedies have harrowing stories to tell. Ali spoke to our staff in a reception centre on the Italian island of Lampedusa. He had just...

Apr 22 2015 3:51PM
EU leaders must act now: they can stop people dying in the Med

Last year, Italy ended Operation Mare Nostrum – its search and rescue mission in the Mediterranean. This was a proactive and effective mission in international waters seeking out boats in distress and rescuing tens of thousands of...