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Sep 18 2013 3:16PM
Sudan: Woman at risk of flogging for not wearing headscarf

Update: The judge of Jabal Awliya court postponed Amira Osman Hamed’s trial until 4 November. This is to give Sudan’s Attorney General time to consider a written request from her lawyers asking for the charges to be dropped. As of May...

Sep 17 2013 1:05PM
Cycling to Saigon for freedom and human rights

"People see us and wonder 'What are these idiots up to?' and come over for a chat." In March 2013 Matthew Kilgour and Alexei Vink (both 27) resigned from their jobs and set out to cycle from London to Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam. Moving at a...

Sep 16 2013 1:25PM
Trend-setting feminists, Liberal Democrat activists - who knew?

In yesterday’s Independent Jane Merrick suggested that you can tell a lot about a political party’s state of being by the makeup of its conference attendees and activists : younger and trendier activists hint at growing power, she says...

Sep 16 2013 11:55AM
The UNSC has a responsibility to protect civilians in Syria - decisive action is needed now

Time is not on the side of the displaced, the disappeared and the thousands of Syrians in fear of death – which could come any second from a regime ballistic missile or a bullet to the back of the head. If ever there was a time to...

Sep 13 2013 9:44PM
EVENT: Defending Human Rights in Hebron and Area C of the Occupied West Bank. 23 Sep

Details below of a free event at Amnesty International UK. It's very short notice so please share with your networks and on social media. Below the event details are some brief details of new Amnesty reports coming up on Israel /...