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Aug 8 2013 7:28PM
Some lessons from history have still not been learned

By Fotis Filippou, Amnesty International’s Regional Campaign Coordinator for Europe and Central Asia “The one who does not remember history is bound to live through it again” George Santayana This week in Hungary, a Budapest Court...

Aug 8 2013 4:26PM
Zimbabwe: human rights concerns despite a peaceful election

It’s one week on from the Zimbabwean election and it’s been quite a week for the country… I’ll try to give a quick summary of the past week’s events, and our concerns following reports of human rights violations in some districts. Urge...

Aug 8 2013 10:09AM
Express Yourself – a choir with a difference sings about things that get under our skin

In the midst of the freedom of expression explosion that is Edinburgh’s yearly Fringe Festival, one little choir is seizing their democratic rights to vent their spleen at what most annoys them. The Complaints Choir is an international...

Aug 8 2013 8:37AM
[CHRB] Activist Now Detained One Year for Seeking Participation in UPR (8/1-7, 2013)

China Human Rights Briefing August 1-7, 2013 UPR Watch No Verdict Announced 2 Months After Trial of Activist Peng Lanlan, Detained for Seeking Participation in China’s UPR Arbitrary Detention Five Tibetans Sentenced for Alleged...

Aug 7 2013 3:38PM
A snapshot of Aleppo's devastation

"Yousef (7), Mohammed (5), Ali (2), Hamza (12), Zahra (10), Husna (8), Fatima (10), Ahmad (7), Abdel Karim (2), Hassan (18 months)… Why did they bomb here? … There were only civilians here. Our quarter was full of life, children...