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Jul 23 2012 4:15PM
Afghanistan: Promises alone are not enough

Horrific footage has emerged of a woman being killed in Afghanistan. The Guardian and others are reporting that she had been accused of adultery , and that her murder seems to be in retribution for this alleged ‘crime’. The attack...

Jul 21 2012 8:57AM
US Must Pursue More Open, Results-Oriented Bilateral Human Rights Dialogue With China

(Chinese Human Rights Defenders, July 20, 2012) - The United States and China will hold the 17th round of their bilateral human rights dialogue in Washington D.C. on July 23 and 24. According to a State Department media note circulated...

Jul 20 2012 5:46PM
Russian authorities should 'immediately release' Pussy Riot detainees

‘These three activists have now been behind bars for months, awaiting a trial that should not be taking place’ - John Dalhuisen Amnesty International has reiterated its call for the release of three members of the female punk group...

Jul 20 2012 4:24PM
A silent picture of a toxic legacy

I've just spent a very chilling few minutes in a 40-foot black shipping container, delivered earlier this week from India. This container doesn't house exported trade goods from Asia, but an audio-visual art installation invoking some...

Jul 20 2012 11:22AM
Malawi - Human Trafficking on the rise.

Please find below a link to a story written by the Malawi correspondent for the International Network of Street Papers (INSP). Henry Mhango's article was published by The Guardian this week and it has prompted quite a debate in his...