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Street Journal Written by Saeed Valadbaygi Editor's Choice , Human Rights , Videos May 9, 2010 Evin prison phone lines have been disconnected by prison authorities from two days ago to execute political prisoners; Farzad Kamangarn...
- Focus Iran
- By neda
In the morning of 10 May we woke up by the horrible news of the execution of 5 Kurdish prisoners in the notorious Evin prison in our country. One woman, Shirin Dehlovi and four men: Farzad Kamangar, a teacher who was arrested in 2007...
In the morning of 10 May we woke up by the horrible news of the execution of 5 Kurdish prisoners in the notorious Evin prison in our country. One woman, Shirin Dehlovi and four men: Farzad Kamangar, a teacher who was arrested in 2007...
- Focus Iran
- By neda
"He will be confined in a cell 7 feet by 12 feet, with a moulded concrete bunk; his food will be delivered through a slot in the door; external communication, even with a doctor, will come via a closed-circuit television in his cell...
The Observer reports on sick and starving prisoners in Zimbabwe . It is not just in Zimbabwe because prisoners suffer appalling conditions in many parts of Africa.