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Apr 29 2010 12:00PM
Buy shares in our Shell ad

When shareholders meet for Shell’s AGM on 18 May, you can bet there will be a lot of talk about their $9.8 billion profits. Less talked about will be the human cost of their activities in the Niger Delta – such as the millions of...

Apr 29 2010 11:31AM
Chinese Government Silences Activists Ahead of Shanghai World Expo

(ChineseHuman Rights Defenders, April 28, 2010) Asthe 2010 Shanghai World Expo opens on May 1, conspicuously absent fromthefestivities will be the residents of Shanghai who have lost theirhomes,businesses, and freedom to exercise their...

Apr 28 2010 6:29PM
Lives (not leaves) on the line

Amnesty released a report today detailing the horrific dangers faced by migrants attempting to reach the US by crossing Mexico. Some powerful accompanying images feature in the Guardian’s gallery . To many of us reading it, this is...

Apr 28 2010 10:26AM

Is the Iraqi government complicit in torture and of covering up gross human rights abuses? Please read these disturbing new reports from Amnesty and Human Rights Watch.

Apr 27 2010 10:23PM
China Human Rights Briefing Weekly  April 20-26, 2010

Freedomof Assembly OneBeijing Activist Harassed, AnotherMissing After Applying to Protest Onthe afternoon of April 23, Beijing human rightsactivist Li Jinping (李金平)traveled to the Law and Order Unit of the Beijing Municipal...