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Subcommittee on Human Rights Committee on Foreign Affairs European Parliament We would like to draw your attention to the case of Martin Jahnke, a German doctoral student at the University of Cambridge, whose rights have been grossly...
You may have read some of the press reports about Marnie Pearce , a British woman living in Dubai who has been convicted – falsely, she claims – of adultery. She has just started serving a three-month jail sentence . Her conviction...
One in four local authorities leave female victims of violence without the specialised support they need. Scary, isn’t it? Find out how the flashmob went to spread this message for International Women’s Day Make a difference – email...
There are particularly concerning reports emerging today of the Kenyan army being accused of torture and murder of civilians. The UN Special Rapporteur on Extra-Judicial Executions’s report also revealed that Kenyan police chief has...
This morning (Wednesday 25 February) members of the TUC General Council watched as AI UK Chief Executive Kate Allen and TUC General Secretary Brendan Barber signed a Memorandum of Understanding to bring our two organisations closer...