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Sep 22 2014 5:48PM
Less than 10 days to demand justice for Moses

Update, 30 Sep: It's our last day to influence the Governor, and we know his team are feeling the pressure - they're deleting your messages from his Facebook page so that the wider Nigerian community can't see details of Moses' case...

Sep 22 2014 3:00PM
Destroying Islamic State may push Lebanon to the brink

With momentum building over the US and its international partners carrying out airstrikes on Islamic State targets in Syria as well Iraq, almost nothing has been said about what this might mean in terms of population flows and new...

Sep 19 2014 2:21PM
Nigeria needs to call time on torture

The next few months will determine whether Chinwe’s life is changed forever. Accused of murder by a corrupt and brutal police force, he faces spending his remaining years behind bars. He is at risk of being convicted by a Nigerian...

Sep 17 2014 4:29PM
Make sure Belgrade Pride isn't a washout

In May horrific floods plagued Serbia. At least 57 people died and more than 30,000 people were evacuated from their homes. At the same time, Belgrade Pride was due to take place and the organisers’ decision to postpone the celebration...

Sep 16 2014 11:46AM
It's time for the US to stop fuelling the conflict in Israel and Gaza

As the UN General Assembly begins its meeting today in New York City, Amnesty International is delivering 187,563 signatures to the White House in a global call to cut off weapons fuelling abuses in Israel and the Occupied Palestinian...