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I have been known to complain bitterly to my colleagues when we look at what’s in the media each day about the prominence of what I describe as “sport purporting to be news”. The one that really got to me was Pakistan cricket in the...
Shahla Jahed, second temoporary wife of footballer, Naser Mohammed Khani, who was sentenced to death by hanging for murdering Laleh Saharkhizan, Mohammed Khani's first official wife was hanged at the Evin Prison early Wednsday morning...
[2December 2010] Representatives of Chinese, Uighur & Tibetan Solidarity UK (CUTS UK, a coalition which includes Tibet Society) delivered a letter to Prime Minister David Cameron at Downing Street in the run-up to Human Rights Day on...
On a busy news day yesterday (snow chaos, more WikiLeaks bombshells, mounting anticipation over the Fifa world cup decision: congrats Russia, by the way) the government slipped out a very important item on the procedures for issuing...
Highlights 12 Years Later, Democracy Leader Qin Yongmin Released from Prison: Prominent democracy activist and human rights defender Qin Yongmin (秦永敏) was released from prison this week following 12 years of incarceration for...