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In the Observer Nick Cohen writes about Ashcroft and drews a parallel with fictional characters in a short story by Rudyard Kipling, The Man Who Would Be King , who say that small, backward countries are the easiest to dominate. The...
Six Iranian trade unionists representing sugar workers at the Haft Tapeh company have been jailed for their trade union activities. Worldwide food workers' union the IUF say “the regime is clearly determined to crush the union by...
Picture the scene – you’re walking down the street (a sunny one, as it happens, in Madrid) and are stopped by the police, who ask to see your identity papers. When they refuse to identify themselves with their ID numbers, you refuse to...
So it all starts here. Welcome one and all to the 2009 Greetings Card Campaign . From 1 November each year through to 31 January Amnesty International encourages people in the UK to send a message of solidarity to those whose rights...
As the Iranian people intensify their peaceful campaigns against the slamic regime and call for a free and democratic Iran, Ahmadinejad's government, backed by its supreme leader has recently intensified its campaigns of terror...
- Focus Iran
- By neda