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Human Rights Defenders like Azza Soliman fight for equality in Egypt. However there’s a long way to go in the fight for women’s rights due to the increased criminalisation of feminists.
Thank to everyone who donated in support of your Mahadine appeal. We delighted to tell you the brilliant news that Mahadine has been released and is back with his family.
On Wednesday 14 March 2018, Brazil was shocked by the brutal assassination, in Rio de Janeiro, of councilwoman 38-year-old Marielle Franco.
This is blog was written by Cllr Joe Porter Representative for the West Midlands on UK Youth Voice and Stonewall Young Campaigner and was originally posted here . Next week is the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting in London. So...
Jennie Joy from the University of Edinburgh Amnesty Group writes about the annual Scottish Student Conference Last month, Edinburgh University and Aberdeen University Amnesty Societies successfully co-hosted the annual Amnesty Scottish...