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Two years ago at the Amnesty UK Media Awards, we honoured Azerbaijani newspaper editor Eynulla Fatullayev with the AIUK Special Award for Journalism Under Threat. Eynulla is an outspoken journalist who has been imprisoned since 2007 on...
A new Amnesty report is out today “J amaica: A long road to justice? – Human Rights violations under the state of emergency to mark the one year anniversary of the sensational stand off between armed residents of Tivoli Gardens in...
Reaction to President Obama’s speech on the Middle East and North Africa looks pretty mixed to me. For example, BBC News Online’s vox pop of some voices from the region was an interesting snapshot. Mohammed in Tobruk in Libya (ie not...
Here's a link to an article I wrote for Scotland On Sunday last week. The piece is about the Church of Scotland admitting it persecuted Travellers and was complicit in the forced removal of Traveller children who were sent abroad away...
*Posted by Frances* At the recent AIUK AGM in Belfast I attended a workshop on Nicaragua and the work AIUK are undertaking to campaign for the rights of women and girls at risk of sexual violence there. You may remember the recent...