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I'm involved with a new project that aims to assist individuals and organisations trying to combat human trafficking. The Human Trafficking Awareness Index is a collaboration with LexisNexis UK - w - a leading...
Last week marked 10 years since 15-year-old Canadian citizen, Omar Khadr, was taken into American custody in Afghanistan. Today, Omar is still detained in Guantanamo Bay. The Children’s Human Rights Network recently held a screening of...
It is true that one can say they want a new Syria where all people's human rights are respected AND cheer the brutal extrajudicial execution of members of the notorious Berri clan in Aleppo. This is possible but let’s be clear; it...
Update 7 November 2012 - An Arms Trade Treaty one step closer after resounding UN vote The 2012 UN General Assembly has seen the biggest showing of support for the Treaty yet - 157 governments have voted in favour of a final...
Want to get straight to the loopholes? Skip ahead At 4pm yesterday (9pm UK time, if you're counting), a packed UN conference room received the final draft of the Arms Trade Treaty from Ambassador Moritan. After nearly 20 years of...