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Mar 16 2016 5:28PM
Human rights in the Kate Greenaway and Carnegie Medal shortlists

What a joy to see the outstanding books on these shortlists, all chosen by expert youth librarians. Proving our theory that all good books engage with human rights, we’ve found deep themes of justice, truth and freedom to explore in...

Mar 14 2016 4:16PM
I want you to know what Assad’s regime is doing to the people of Syria

My name is Tony. I’m writing because I want you to get the real story, to know what President Assad’s regime is really doing to the people of Syria. When the Syrian uprising began five years ago, it was simply a group of people who had...

Mar 14 2016 12:00AM
360° Syria: How media activists are shining a light on war crimes

These are no ordinary men you see before you. These are seven of the bravest, most heroic people in all of Syria. And as Syria is just about the most dangerous place in the world, it’s safe to say that their courage is truly remarkable...

Mar 11 2016 6:00PM
Urgent: Stop the new Snooper’s Charter annihilating our rights

The UK government is rushing a bill through parliament that, if it becomes law, will violate the human rights of every single person in the UK. The Investigatory Powers Bill (IPB) – otherwise known as the Snooper’s Charter – is a...

Mar 11 2016 3:45PM
Edward Snowden: 'Privacy is for the powerless'

To mark World Day Against Cyber Censorship, Edward Snowden talks to us about how governments are watching everything we do online, and why we must bring mass surveillance back under control. Today, the government is granting itself the...