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"In his compound", "human shields", "mandate for attacks", "strategic assets": when the world's media is using this language it can easily feel like we're back in the early days of the Iraq invasion in March 2003. But this is Libya...
With air strikes in Libya (see the Sun and the BBC ), mass demonstrations across North Africa and the Middle East ( Mail and the Independent ) and the natural and nuclear disasters in Japan ( Telegraph and Express ) dominating the news...
TUC General Secretary Brendan Barber has called on the Yemeni authorities to stop the bloodshed immediately and develop a genuine national dialogue to respond to the legitimate demands of the people for democracy and equity. The TUC...
According to Human Rights Agency (RAHANA), a large number of women were detained and taken into custody on the International Women's Day! A large number of women took to the streets of Tehran follwing a statement by a number of women's...
International Coalition Against Violence in Iran (ICAVI) wishes all Iranians and those who celebrate No-Rooz a Happy New Year and wishes that in the coming year, there will be no more detention, torture, rape and executions in Iran or...