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How far, how much, how long? Mr Mir-Hossein Mousavi, Iran's former prime minister of 8 years, especially during the Iran-Iraq war and the official presidential candidate, and his wife, Zahra Rahnavard, university professor, sculpturer...
(Chinese Human RightsDefenders, February 25, 2011)Only a few days after police began targeting humanrights defenders across thecountry in response to anonymous calls for “JasmineRevolution” protests, signsare emerging to indicate that...
Discontent is catching, that’s the fear. It seems to be a valid one. As one populace after another looks over at their neighbour, newly freed from the shackles of repressive government, and thinks I want that- it could be me...
We’re watching you, that was the implicit message from the Amnesty team when an Amnesty researcher recently returned from the latest trip to investigate the human rights situation in the Ivory Coast, said : “The eyes of the world may...
Highlights Police Detain at Least Six in Response to “Jasmine Revolution” Call: After anonymous calls for protests in support of pro-democracy movements in the Middle East and protection for human rights appeared online in the past...