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As the heated debate (including on this blog ) over Israel’s interdiction of the Gaza aid convoy has shown, there are two sides to every story. (Or in some cases about 38). With claim and counter-claim over the nature of Israel’s...
A version of thie piece appears in today's Belfast Telegraph . It's not currently in the online edition so am posting below instead: One of my friend Mairead Maguire's favourite items of clothing is an old t-shirt. It bears the image...
It has been 20 years since June Fourth, but there are still eight so-called“thugs” who are still being held. They are Zhu Gengsheng ( 朱更生 ), Li Yujun ( 李玉君 ), Chang Jingqiang (常景强), Yang Pu ( 杨璞 ), Jiang Yaqun ( 姜亚群 ), Miao Deshun (...
At noon today I’ll be standing outside the Azerbaijan embassy (in glorious sunshine thankfully), together with other free speech campaigners, demanding the release of jailed journalist Eynulla Fatullayev. It’s a joint demo between...
For every entry of the list: first line is the name, Secondline is the address.Gao Zhisheng disappeared. Please call on the PLA, CCP and PRC top leaders to allow access to Gao Zhisheng by UN representative. 1:TanZhuoren(谭作人)...