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Apr 6 2011 11:25AM
Tasers so who polices the police?

This Taser campaign hasn’t been at all what I expected it to be. To recap, Tasers are fundamentally dangerous weapons, long known to Amnesty researchers as the tool of choice for torturers because of their ability to inflict intense...

Apr 6 2011 1:00AM
Women’s human rights in Egypt

The Egyptian authorities must amend existing legislation to better protect women in Egypt, and ensure they play an active role in reforms. Women played a key role during the 18 days of protest that led to former president Hosni Mubarak...

Apr 5 2011 3:45PM
No more bloodbaths fuelled by UK weapons

The UK Government came in for heavy criticism today by the cross-party Committees on Arms Export Controls. The Committees' report concluded that sending weapons including armoured personnel carriers, crowd control equipment and...

Apr 5 2011 1:43PM
AI: Chinese government wages campaign of harassment against lawyers

The Chinese government is waging a campaign of harassment and intimidation of lawyers, to stop them defending the dozens of activists and political critics rounded up by the authorities in the last two months. Since an anonymous online...

Apr 5 2011 12:48PM
AI Urgent Action 92/11- Activist Detained, Family Under House Arrest in China

Ding Fangguan (known as Gu Chuan), 30, a writer and human rights activist, was detained on 19 February. He has been held incommunicado since. He is at risk of torture and other ill-treatment. His wife Li Xinai, 28, and their two...