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Aug 4 2010 3:24PM
Do we have to witness such brutality in the 21th centruy?

Third world countries are often blames for their abuse of human rights which is true by itself. What happens when in France, a socalled "civilised" country people are treated in such a shamful way? I was applauled and disgusted to see...

Aug 4 2010 3:06PM
Reputation laundering? It will all come out in the wash.

What do Saudia Arabia, Rwanda, Russia, Sri Lanka and, er, Guernsey have in common? Okay, I’ll tell you; all feature on a map in today’s Guardian of “UK PR firms’ current contracts with foreign governments”. The thrust of the...

Aug 4 2010 12:00PM
New comedy podcast

Update 9/8: Our comedy podcast’s now on iTunes , so it’s super-easy to subscribe. What are you waiting for? So, you’ve heard about our hilarious new comedy podcast we’re producing for the Edinburgh Festival with The Guardian . But you...

Aug 4 2010 11:22AM
Cameroon, journalist, Help.

Charles has been given a reprieve so many thanks to anyone who lobbied on his behalf. The campaign continues to secure his safety in Britain.…...