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Recently, amensty international and Hunam Rights Watch have issued statements condemning the ban on Berque (full face cover) by some Muslem women who live in Belgium and Austria. According to them the ban violates human rights of those...
Yet again the Israel-Palestinian conflict has thrown out a challenge to the world. How to respond to what appears to have been a heavy-handed storming of the Gaza aid convoy by Israeli commandos? Not for the first time, the UN has...
Colombia is the most dangerous country in the world to be a trade unionist, but the Colombian Government denies this. The European Union has been negotiating a trade deal with Colombia for several months, in a move which will be seen...
Candlelight vigil for commemoration of the Tiananmen Massacre Time:7.00pm – 10.00pm, 4th June 2009 Location:opposite the Chinese Embassy, 49-51 Portland Place, London W1B 1JL 燭光悼念六四屠殺21周年 時間: 2010年六月四日星期五晚七時至十時 地點:中國駐倫敦大使館49-51...
It’s been nearly a week since the violence in the beautifully-named Tivoli Gardens in Jamaica escalated, and still the situation is not under control . The Voice of America reports that the death toll has now reached 73 and hundreds of...