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I was unlucky enough to have a summer job when I was around 19 that involved rebuilding part of a sewage works. It wasn’t my worst-ever summer job – that was the meat pie factory – but it wasn’t a barrel of laughs either. While I did...
Headlines Five Chinese Activist Web sites Attacked by Hackers Guangzhou Court Hears Lawsuit from Lawyer Deprived of License Guangxi Petitioners Sent to One Year of RTL for “Abnormal Petitioning” Longtime Xi’an Petitioner Seized by...
His Excellency Hu Jintao President of the People's Republic of China Zhongnanhai, Xichengqu, Beijing People’s Republic of China OPEN LETTER TO THE PRESIDENT OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA January 15, 2010 Your Excellency, The...
So here they are at last: The Sri Lankan Presidential Elections. They are all set for tomorrow and previews were plastered all over today’s papers. After decades of conflict that “ended” last year with the comprehensive defeat of the...
Headlines Illegal Restriction of Shanghai Lawyer Zheng Enchong’s Movement Resumed Beijing Police Continue Harassment of House Church Activist Chen Tianshi Illegally-Detained Elderly Petitioner Released from RTL Camp on Bail for Medical...