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A confession, dear reader. The shockingly juvenile rock-metal band AC/DC were part of the soundtrack to my youth. They were always blasting away on mum and dad’s “stereogramme” when they (mum and dad) were up the pub on a Friday night...
I reviewed this new comedy / politics documentary film for the BBC's Sunday Sequence programme, along with actor and writer Dan Gordon (you can listen again, here , 22mins 30secs in). I'd never heard of the Yes Men before now –...
Since the day Mehdi Karubi, the defeated presidential candidate wrote a letter to Hashemi Rafsanji, informing him of recent the cases of rapes in prisons of men & women, the Iranian regime has gone on the counter-attacl claiming that...
- Focus Iran
- By neda
Earlier this week Human Rights Watch reported that hundreds of gay men have been murdered in Iraq since 2004, and that the attacks appear to be organised. Across Eastern Europe gay people are increasingly out and proud but are facing...
After the success of our webchat with Shell , and the revealing answers we were given, it is time for the next stage of our campaign to Make Shell Come Clean Join us as we target Shell on Google Maps, turning Shell stations into ‘hell...