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In my day, a snog at the end of the ceilí at Loch an Iúir during Irish language summer camp – Donegal Gaeltacht-style – would get you no more bother than a ribbing from your house mates and a red face when you met the girl at class the...
Well that wasn’t very unexpected, was it. After a lovely piece of political theatre, the Burmese authorities this morning sentenced Aung San Suu Kyi to 18 months of house arrest – all because an American swam over a mile across a lake...
As human rights activists we all strongly believe in the values contained within the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Therefore when I read an article in the Belfast Telegraph with a rather muddled argument that the death penalty...
Mehdi Karubi , the defeated presidential candidate has recnetly wtitten a letter to Ayattolah Hashemi Rafsanjani demanding an investigation into the cases of rape of young men and women in detention. Karubi has mentioned that his...
- Focus Iran
- By neda
25 juillet 2009 Paris, Champs de Mars A two kilometers long petition against the Iranian regim Rassemblement contre l'élection d'Ahmadinejad Déploiement de la plus grande banderole du monde Green Scroll… Paris Iran : A global day of...
- Focus Iran
- By neda