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Dec 20 2012 1:52AM
Child held without charge in adult prison

Mohammad Mohammad 'Abdulnabi 'AbdulWasi, a sixteen year old Bahrani boy, has been held unlawfully in detention since 11 December 2012 in Dry Dock Prison - an adult prison in north eastern Bahrain. Riot police raided the 'Abdulwasi...

Dec 18 2012 10:36AM
Police Take Action Against Citizens on Human Rights Day; Uyghur Student Demands Explanation Over Denied Passport

China Human Rights Briefing December 14-18, 2012 Contents Harassment of Activists • Police Take Action Against Citizens Appealing for Justice on Human Rights Day Equal Rights • Uyghur Student Demands Explanation After Passport Denied...

Dec 14 2012 10:30AM
The Justice and Security Bill - has your MP responded to you?

Next week, MPs will debate the Government’s Justice and Security Bill in the House of Commons for the first time. The Government says the Bill is necessary to protect national security, we say it’s unnecessary and a risk to one of our...

Dec 14 2012 10:29AM
[CHRD] Hubei Activists Sentenced for Defending Land Rights; Elections Report Documents Abuses Against Independent Candidates, et

China Human Rights Briefing December 11-13, 2012 Contents Arbitrary Detention • Hubei Activists Sent to Prison for Defending Land Rights Harassment of Activists • Hunan Police Makes Death Threat to Activist for Campaigning to Abolish...

Dec 13 2012 6:53PM
Voices of Freedom

To highlight cultural resistance in PR China and to coincide with Human Rights Day, Chinese, Uyghur & Tibetan Solidarity UK presented an evening of imprisoned voices and banned works from Tibet, East Turkestan and China.