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Amnesty International UK
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2013 (7)
Apr 21 2013 3:34PM
Campaiging for the Arms Trade Treaty

Here we are in Maidstone's Week Street as part of Amnesty's successful campaign to secure an Arms Trade Treaty.

Jun 21 2013 9:11PM
Our priorities for the next year

At our last meeting we agreed that our priority activities for the next year would be Women's Human Rights in Afghanistan, Vietnam and our adopted prisoner Father Nguyen Van Ly, East Africa and Sou

Jun 21 2013 9:15PM
Our next meeting

Our next meeting will be on Monday 15 July at the Friends' Meeting House, 170 Union Street, Maidstone, ME14 1EE, starting at 8pm. All are welcome.

Jun 21 2013 9:29PM
Film about the Roma

On Monday 19 August at 7:30pm we shall be showing a film about the lives of the Roma in Romania....

Oct 22 2013 1:16PM
Our next meeting

Our next meeting will be on Monday 18 November at the Fri ends' Meeting House, 170 Union Street, Maidstone, ME14 1EE, starting at 8pm. All are welcome.

Oct 22 2013 1:23PM
Show support for the Sawhoyamaxa Indigenous Community

Show your support for the Sawhoyamaxa's efforts to recover their ancestral lands after years of camping by the side of a highway. Click here:

Nov 21 2013 3:31PM
Our next meeting

Our next meeting will be on Monday 20 January at the Friends' Meeting House, 170 Union Street, Maidstone, ME14 1EE, starting at 8pm. All are welcome.