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The third anniversary of the start the Syria confict acts a a grim reminder of the world's failure to stop the suffering.
Download the Manchester Group's April newsletter - full of campaign and group news.
Here is our May newsletter, full of info about our group's actvities. Please make a note of the following dates:
Here is our May newsletter, full of info about our group's actvities. Please make a note of the following dates:
Here is the August edition of the Manchester Group's newsletter to download. Don't forget the group meeting this coming Wednesday 13th with speakers from Freedom from Torture.
Here is our September Newsletter with campaign updates, group news, events and actions. Don't forget our next group meeting on Wednesday 10th (7.30 pm CrossSt Chapel) - All welcome
Here is our October newsletter to download. Don't forget our next Group meeting, Wednesday 8th October, 7.30pm, Cross St Chapel.
Here is our November 2014 newsletter for you to download. Don't forget the group meeting this Wednesday 12th November, 7.30, Cross St Chapel, featuring a talk on Human Rights in Egypt.
Acoustic Amnety for Refugee Week In aid of Amnesty International and Musicians witout Borders Friday June 20th, 7pm